Monday, January 09, 2006

12/27/2005 -- A further thought on Route 90

I was driving out near Hudson, MA tonight and on my return trip, I followed a sign that said "Route 90 - NYC." Technically, no matter how far you drive down Route 90, you will never reach New York, unless you think to turn off down 95, 91 or 84. And yet, the sign in Hudson is just one of many.

I first became familiar with this sight in downtown Boston, which sports a sign pointing to the City. You will not find a sign at 125th and West End pointing to "Boston."

I therefore make the following proposal. We should find all of these signs in the Massachusetts area and replace them with names of cities that you can actually reach on 90, such as Seattle, Worcestor or even Gary, Indiana.

16,000 confused steps today. Cheers.