Wednesday, September 13, 2006

9/1/2006 - A yardstick - Jimmy Fund Prep

One of the problems I have encountered during my training is that I never really know the distance of my walks.  I just walk around the city, counting my steps (well, my pedometer does the counting).  I have generally assumed about 2100 steps to the mile, but when I have tried to measure that, I often get a larger number.  While walking around, that is pretty insignificant.  When doing a marathon, the difference is between 55,000 steps and 60,000.

Well, this past Sunday I had one of my better opportunities to measure the distance of my steps.  I was with the Eldest at a picnic and we came across a race track.  The Eldest dearly wanted to run around (and be lifted over the hurdles) so off we went.  I did a bit of jogging to keep up with him, but a fair amount of walking and a little back tracking.  It took me a little over 500 steps to do a quarter of a mile.


Maybe it will only take me 55,000 steps on Sunday.  That would still be 7.5 hours at a minimum and probably longer since I will be walking as part of a team...

14,000 relieved steps today.  Cheers,


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