Wednesday, October 11, 2006

9/15-16/2006 - Where in the world is J. G. Fellow?

Avid readers of my blog are probably aware that I am way behind in my posting of cities (moreso than the near 1-month lag in blog dates suggests).  As a result, said avid readers may be curious as to where I "really" am.  I am happy to report that I have arrived at Mount Rushmore and am knocking at the gates of Wyoming.  A quick glance at the map on my wall shows me that I have traversed more than half of the continental U.S. in the past 11 months.  I've walked more than 4.5M steps, more than 2,300 miles, but I have plenty of work ahead of me.
I have more than three million more steps to take here in the U.S. before I cross back into Canada (British Columbia).  Once there I get 1.2 million steps good behavior before I find myself in a veritable zone of non-humanity.  Another 2.6 million steps will take me to the first of my national wildlife preserves (Kluane).  And then I will get to indulge in 2 million steps of reserved wildlife before turning myself in at Anchorage.
But enough about the future.  Whilst I dawdle beneath the chiseled features of men whom I admire, I get to consider one of my favorite subjects -- Presidents.  I'll write more about this once I actually get to the point where I am posting South Dakota, but for the mean time, let me ask you, dear readers:
  • Who was your favorite President?
  • Who was your second least favorite President (after Bush or Clinton, depending on the color of your state...)
  • What drew you towards or away?
24,000 contemplative steps over these 2 days.  Cheers,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(1) My favorite president is Franklin Delano Roosevelt

(2) My second least favorite president is Richard Nixon, or wait a minute, maybe it is Ronald Reagan,, it is, it's Reagan...ah, the hell with it.

(3) Need you ask?

3:19 PM  
Blogger ZM said...

presidents? we have presidents? You mean those guys are *real*???

Oy. Thank God we trashed the TV.

9:32 PM  
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1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ما هي افضل شركة وساطة في العراق

9:47 AM  

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