Sunday, May 28, 2006

4/29/2006 - Strep alert

On Mother's day (I know anachronistically) I felt kind of bad. I had a little fever and my throat was sore. I had some other unfamiliar symptoms, but overall, I was alright.

I still managed to get the wife off for her pedicure while I entertained the boys. I didn't succeed in doing much else and I slept terribly. I dragged myself in for work the next day and achieved less than I had hoped, but once I slept through Monday night (ignoring typical tyke related wake-ups) I was OK.

By the end of the week, my wife started showing all the same symptoms I had seen. I assured her that they would pass painlessly but they didn't and she was knocked off of her game for a few days. Finally, she went to her doctor and was diagnosed with strep (unsurprising as half the kids in our eldest's class had come down with it).

But once again, I was left to wonder why the same bacteria that annoy me make my wife really sick. Is it because her sleep is more fitfull? Does she start with fewer defenses?

The human body is weird.

10,900 streps today. Cheers,


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