Wednesday, August 09, 2006

7/1-3/2006 - If you can't take the heat...

The Boston winter gave me plenty of opportunities to experiment with walking in 20 degree weather.  The Boston summer has given me a few opportunities to try the other extreme.  For the most part, I have tried to take my longer walks either in the early morning (6-8 AM) or after nightfall, but the excuse has arisen for something more adventurous now and then, and I have not looked the other way.

While I had a few mildly interesting discoveries during the winter (e.g. that to keep my fingers warm, I need a new coat, not new gloves) but I really have very little to say about summer walking.  The two tricks I have employed in the 90 degree heat are

  • Drink before I'm thirsty
  • Hug the shade

I took a pair of twenty-minute walks in 100 degree weather, but I was pretty beat when I was done.

Alaska dreaming, on such a summer's day.

45,500 hot-footed steps today.  Cheers,