Tuesday, June 06, 2006

5/6/2006 - And here's the pitch

When I watch a baseball game, I always count pitches (surprised?). I'm not sure how this started but there it is.

With the introduction of more recent theories on pitching staff management, more managers are focusing on pitch count and as a result, I have gotten better at making predictions. But predictions don't always come true.

Last night, my beloved (and patient) Sox took 62 pitches through the first 3 innings. I thought there was a chance that they would bench the opposing pitcher after 5 innings. Alas, they then saw only 26 pitches in the next 3 innings, allowing the pitcher to go 7 (and win).

Ah, life. You fickle distributor of uncertain fortune.

12,500 disappointed steps today. Cheers,

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