Tuesday, April 04, 2006

3/18/2006 - The youngest bloggers

And now, as promised, some of the world's youngest bloggers (with much thanks to Daniel H.).

I'd like to start with Alex's basketball notes. At first I gave Alex extra points because he pulls for the Nets, but then I noticed that he writes excitedly about any team that does anything cool. Fair enough.

Next is Khayyami who blogs very well, but much like I would expect an 8-year old to blog. Then again, I have seen adults who blog less lucidly than Khayyami.

I dreamt last night about a horse. Not about a horse. About something. I hate my hair.

Finally, there is Rohan. Daniel and I both think that Rohan is getting some outside help. I am generally ashamed at how much poorer my grammar is than Rohan's.

We also found several blogs of babies under the age of 1. I have decided that these count no more than my fridge's blog:

I feel a bit cold today. Something stinks in the state of Denmark. No, that's just my vegetable crisper. Don't these people care about me? 3 steps today. Cheers.
I'm going to give the nod to Khayyam. Khayyam, feel free to comment on my blog to claim your prize.

18,900 immature steps today. Cheers,