Sunday, May 07, 2006

3/27/2006 - Sibling rivalry

"Why does daddy love the baby more than me?"

I've said it before and I'll say it again: my eldest would make an excellent lawyer. At a relatively early age, he had perfected the fine art of negating whatever I said:

JG: "Gathering dark clouds and a falling barometer are fairly good indications that it's going to rain."

Eldest: "Gathering dark clouds and a falling barometer are not fairly good indications that it's going to rain!"

Well, he has more recently began experimenting with the fine art of questions that presuppose guilt, a la "When did you stop beating your wife?"

So my (unbeaten) wife and I had to think several beats before responding to the question. Of course I don't love the baby more, buddy, but you and he need different things. When my wife was pregnant, my big fear was that I wouldn't be able to love the baby, because I would spend so much time focused on my eldest. It is amusing to hear my eldest come to the opposite conclusion.

7,900 ironic steps today. Cheers,


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